Four years ago, as I left the buyside, I promised myself that I would keep taking investing seriously. I knew then, and am even more sure now, that I am passionate about stocks and the arts and crafts of investing, more broadly. I knew that the flames of passion should be stoked.
I started sharing single stock write-ups on Substack, which I not only enjoy doing, but now find integral to my investing process. The process of researching a business, or a portion of a business, to the point where you are proud enough to share it, often, somehow, magically, can equate to the amount of work necessary to have conviction. Writing is thinking. And what else is investing but thinking and betting when you have conviction, for better or worse?
This post is not a single stock write-up, though. Instead, I am writing about my portfolio. I may do a similar post, without the frills, yearly. In this post, I quickly and casually rehash my investment framework and philosophy. Then, I share brief thoughts on each name in my portfolio; what I like about them and where they leave something to be desired.
Outsiders and outliers - Investing philosophy and framework
I wasn’t finished - Portfolio
The unknowns - Why I write this blog
Next I show how all this looks on the GSheet, (link), that I use to keep track of my portfolio and watchlist. I offer view only access to the GSheet, link above, to any yearly subscriber of this blog, and guess that my diverse list of 54 stocks that I either own now or may own someday in the future, rated, ranked and tinkered with often, is valuable to folks. Specifically, to more folks than the few who have view only access right now.
I end with reflections and hopes for this blog. I so enjoy writing it, and hope I continue to for many years. Maybe along the way something unexpected will transpire from all those thoughts unraveled and ink spilled 🖊️